In many cases,various chemicals need to be combined with other chemicals to achieve better results after a series of reactions.However,many chemicals can dissolve different substances.So,when caustic soda is used again,which substances can it mix with?
This substance is easily dissolved in water during use and slowly releases heat during the dissolution process.Because it belongs to a strong alkaline property,aqueous solutions will also have strong alkaline properties after dissolving in water,so it can also react with acidic substances.In addition,the substance itself has good water absorption,so caustic soda can be used as a desiccant in many cases.However,it can only be used as a desiccant for moisture and cannot be used to dry substances such as sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide.Moreover,if there is a leakage during normal storage,it will also react with carbon dioxide.Although it can corrode some substances due to its strong alkalinity,there are still many substances that cannot react.
Besides being soluble in water,caustic soda can also dissolve in ethanol and glycerol,but substances such as ether and acetone cannot dissolve.Therefore,it is necessary to know which substances can dissolve in each other during the production process.
The above introduction is all about caustic soda.I believe everyone already knows some substances that can dissolve in caustic soda,so when using them,we can handle them according to their solubility characteristics.Sometimes we even need to refer to their own solubility characteristics to choose suitable substances and participate in the reaction.