In the sewage treatment industry,hydrogen peroxide,also known as hydrogen peroxide,is a colorless and transparent liquid that is a strong oxidant and can be used for medical disinfection,environmental disinfection,and food disinfection.And flake alkali is a white semi transparent strong alkaline sheet that can adjust the pH value of wastewater in sewage treatment,and can also be used as a precipitant to precipitate with metal ions in the solution,ultimately removing harmful heavy metal ions.Can hydrogen peroxide be used together with caustic soda,and should it be diluted with water during use?
Hydrogen peroxide and caustic soda can be used together for bleaching,but the amount of hydrogen peroxide should not be too much and should be diluted with low-temperature water.At low temperatures,caustic soda is slowly added to water and rapidly dissolved under constant stirring,and the same goes for hydrogen peroxide.If the amount is increased,it won't have too much impact,just keep stirring.These two products will not react with each other.But in high temperature and strong alkali,hydrogen peroxide itself is weakly acidic.When neutralized with caustic soda,hydrogen peroxide will quickly decompose and lose its oxidizing properties.The approximate reaction equation is:H2O2+NaOH=NaHO2+H2O,NaHO2+NaOH=Na2O2+H2O,2Na2O2+2H2O=4NaOH+O2。
From the above content,we can know that hydrogen peroxide can be used together with caustic soda and can also have bleaching effects,but it needs to be diluted with water because caustic soda is a strong base and hydrogen peroxide is a weak acidic oxidant.If not diluted,most will react first,and if the reaction stops strongly,it is dangerous.