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Precautions for using caustic soda tablets

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Soda flakes are widely used as neutralizing agents in the water treatment industry, and are widely used in various sodium salt manufacturing, soap, papermaking, cotton, silk, viscose fiber, rubber product regeneration, metal cleaning, electroplating, etc. in the chemical industry. Alkali flakes have strong corrosiveness. Soda flakes are a high concentration solid flake alkali with all the characteristics and strong corrosiveness. When its solution or dust splashes onto the skin, especially mucous membranes, it will produce soft scabs that penetrate deep tissues.
When using caustic soda, it is necessary to take all preventive measures for caregivers, as it poses a great threat to human skin tissue and can be painful if accidentally splashed onto the skin. When the factory starts using industrial grade caustic soda, it is necessary to purchase a complete set of protective measures to ensure the safety of construction personnel. Operators need to wear work clothes, masks, protective goggles, rubber gloves, rubber aprons, long rubber boots and other personal protective equipment when working. Apply neutral and hydrophobic ointments on the skin. The production workshop should have good ventilation.
Splashing caustic soda solution into the eyes not only damages the cornea, but also damages the deep tissues of the eye. Rinse with clean water for 10 minutes; If accidentally splashed on the skin, replace immediately; If it splashes into the eyes, immediately rinse with water or saline for 15 minutes, then add 2% novocaine. Severe cases should be sent to the hospital for treatment. The maximum allowable concentration of caustic soda dust in the air is 0.5 milligrams per cubic meter.


Precautions for using caustic soda tablets:
Employees working in caustic soda are prone to injury and are required to wear protective clothing and anti reverse measures before starting work. Alkali flakes are prone to leakage during the production process, and emergency measures should be taken to deal with the leakage. Isolate leakage and contaminated areas and restrict access. It is recommended that emergency personnel wear dust masks and acid and alkali resistant clothing. Do not touch damaged containers and leaks before putting on appropriate protective clothing. Cut off the leakage source as much as possible. Cover the leak with plastic sheeting to reduce scattering. Do not let water enter the packaging container. Collect the leaked material with a clean shovel, place it in a clean, dry container with a loose lid, and move the container away from the leak area.